Our Dogs Bobby
BIS CH. Aspenglo Bobsleigh SDHOF
AKC# SN739637/01
Date of Birth: 5/10/2000

CH. Sheffield-Ducat’s Spellbound SDHOF EX. CH. Aspenglo Excite SDHOF
Bobby is the consummate show dog. He finished his championship easily with multiple group wins and entered the SDHOF with ease. This is a dog that has wide-reaching appeal. A moderate dog in size and type, his soundness is evident in his effortless movement produced by outstanding angles and beautiful upper arm. He has great bone and a stunning headpiece. Bobby is at stud to approved bitches and is stamping his get with all his outstanding qualities.

CH. Aspenglo Catch Me If U Can
AKC REG. #SR044207/04
Date of Birth: 10/07/2002

“Catch”CH. Aspenglo Cisco EX. CH. Aspenglo Excite SDHOF
Catch excels in bone, coat, soundness, and temperament, with a dead solid top line. He earned his championship easily having been shown selectively and finished his championship on the highly competitive Florida circuit. He then went on to achieve an award of merit on the Northern California specialty weekend. With his trek on to the hall of fame, in a very limited showing, he is a group winner and multiple groups placing special, who is producing sound get with beautiful type and temperament, Catch is available at stud to approved bitches.

CH. Aspenglo Cisco
AKC# SN792465/02
Date of Birth: 11/18/2000

CH. Seeshaw Dylans Evening Blaze EX. CH. Aspenglo Dice SDHOF
Cisco started the road to his championship by going winning dog from the 9-12 puppy dog class at the Tuscon specialty. The ultimate golden retriever, and a companion dog excellent without the title, he has an outstanding top line, exceptional coat and bone, nice angle, and the unmistakable aspenglo type. This golden runs 20 miles a week, a testament to his soundness. Cisco is at stud to approved bitches having been bred only a few times he has produced soundness, type, head, coat, bone, and movement. His latest achievements are out of the whelping box, group winning CH. Aspenglo Catch Me If U Can and CH. Aspenglo Tsunami are just a few examples of the quality golden retriever Cisco is capable of producing.

CH. Aspenglo Excite SDHOF

CH. Owling’s Trump of Aspenglo EX. CH. Aspenglo Lady Stetson
Cleo is the Dam to our current stars, a pleasure to live with. She stamps her kids with outstanding movement, type, and temperament.

Aspenglo Twenty-Four “Jack”
BISS. Ch. Goodtime’s Non-Stop to Rio SDHOF ex. Ch. Aspenglo Tsunami

Starting her career from the 6 – 9 class in Eagle, Colorado, Jack had back-to-back reserves leading to the following weekend and a best of winners at the Nebraska Kennel Club. As she begins moving through the classes, watch for her exceptional side gait, and front and rear. Jack is just another example of the next generation of quality Aspenglo Goldens.

CH Aspenglo Who’s Your Daddy

Ch. Aubridge Wave your rights ex Ch. Aspenglo Tsunami
Jeter finished his championship easily with multiple best-of-breed wins and a group two in limited showing. Watch for Jeter in the breed ring in the Fall of 2008!

Aspenglo Rockstar

Ch. Aubridge Wave your rights ex Ch. Aspenglo Tsunami
Star is is the litter sister to our newest champion (Jeter).. watch for her this year in the breed ring in her quest to finish her title. She has multiple points and is in search of majors.

CH. Aspenglo Tsunami

CH. Aspenglo Cisco EX. CH. Aspenglo Excite
Tsunami finished her championship easily in limited showing with multiple majors, some of which were at specialties. She is now on her quest for the hall of fame status and earned her first points towards that goal the weekend that she finished her championship with a breed win and on to group two in tough competition. Tsu excels in outstanding type and bone, carrying the correct coat and balance with a head that truly is stamped with Aspenglo.