The Past
The breeding of Ruffian to Brodie produced CH. Aspenglo Coors Lite Delite. This SDHOF bitch proved herself in the show ring but more importantly in the whelping box. Her get included multiple champions and the history-making litter of CH. Aspenglo Prevailing Wind, CH. Aspenglo Telluride and CH. Aspenglo Angel Fire, all multiple best-in-show winners. Coors was recognized as an outstanding Dam. From 1990-95.
Coors produced:
CH. Aspenglo Vanity Fair
CH. Aspenglo Yellowstone CD.
Ch. Aspenglo Cosmopolitan
CH. Aspenglo Time of My Life
CH. Aspenglo Denali
CH. Aspenglo Buddy Weiser SDHOF
BIS. BISS. SDHOF CH. Aspenglo Telluride,
Recognized an outstanding Sire 1992-1996
A top 20 Golden 1990-1992
BIS. BISS. CH. Aspenglo Angel Fire SDHOF,
Recognized an outstanding Dam
A top 20 Golden 1991-1992
BIS. BISS. CH. Aspenglo Prevailing Wind SDHOF
A top 20 Golden in 1991 and 1992
BIS. AM. CAN. CH. Aspenglo Robin’son Crusoe
A top 20 Golden in 1995
Other Champions included:
CH. Aspenglo Lady Stetson ‘Cali’
CH. Signatures Inherit the Wind EX. CH. Aspenglo Denali
Cali was a multiple group winner who embodied Aspenglo type and style, she is the Dam to Hall of Fame.
CH. Aspenglo Excite, who is producing our newest champions.
BISS. CH. Laurell’s Walks Like an Angel SDHOF ‘Halo’; CH. Laurell’s cause for applause EX. CH. Aspenglo Angel Fire this multiple group winning bitch continued the Aspenglo tradition of producing another multiple group winning and BISS. SDHOF Champion Aspenglo Dice. Halo was a top 20 Golden for three straigt years.
Dice is responsible for producing one of our newest champions, CH. Aspenglo Cisco.
CH. Owling’s Trump of Aspenglo, Trumpy has been significant to Aspenglo tradition being the sire to produce CH. Aspenglo Dice and CH. Aspenglo Excite.
CH. Aspenglo Affair of Honor. Bond.

CH. Aspenglo Coors Lite Delite SDHOF

BIS. BISS. CH. Telluride

CH. Aspenglo Lady Stetson ‘Cali’

BISS. CH. Laurell’s Walks Like an Angel SDHOF ‘Halo’

BISS. Champion Aspenglo Dice SDHOF

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